What are the advantages of diesel water pump ?

Update time: 2023-12-21    visits: 308

Today’s editor wants What I would like to introduce to you are the advantages and features of Kaihong ordinary/high pressure/cast iron diesel water pump units:


Features :

Super suction, large flow, compact design, easy to move, widely used in agricultural irrigation, fishery, flood fighting and rescue, construction sites, tunnels, etc. Self-priming pumps, high-pressure pumps and iron pumps are available to meet various requirements.


● Portable design

New lightweight and compact design makes it easy to move and safe .

● Low fuel consumption

Using KYHON strong air-cooled diesel engine to ensure low fuel consumption.

● Shorter self-priming time

Powerful engine and vortex impeller design, good sealing, large lift and short water absorption time.

● Reliable and durable

Aluminum self-priming pump, maintenance-free, open design, easy to introduce into the engine.

Specializing in the development and production of small engines and light power systems

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